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Creating a new strategic plan

Craft your path to success.

We believe in the power of strategic planning to drive innovation, foster collaboration, and propel us toward our collective goals.

Whether you’re new to strategic planning or a seasoned strategist, our comprehensive array of resources and step-by-step instructions are tailored to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to develop a roadmap for success that aligns with WSU’s mission, values, and long-term vision.

Together, let’s chart a course for excellence and impact.

Planning roadmap

The pre-work phase of strategic planning lays the essential groundwork for success. While it may be tempting to skip straight to developing your mission and goals, taking the time to do this pre-work will help you better understand the people you’re trying to serve and the environment you need to operate in. It will also help you create a roadmap for smoother and more successful strategic planning.

  • Overview
  • Form a strategic planning team
  • Design your planning process
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Analyze your environment

  • Scup: Stakeholder Analysis
  • How to plan a retreat

  • Content Here

  • WSU System timeline for planning

Create a new plan

Crafting a strategic plan hinges on defining your mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies. Your mission and vision set the direction, while your values serve as guiding principles. Goals provide tangible targets, and strategies map out the path to reach them. Each element is crucial, shaping the organization’s identity, guiding decisions, and rallying stakeholders toward a common purpose.

  • Overview
  • Develop a mission
  • Identify values
  • Write a vision
  • Identify strategic goals
  • Objective development
  • Strategy development

  • How to facilitate
  • Communicating
  • SCUP resources

  • The difference between a mission and vision
  • What makes for a good mission statement

  • WSU System Goals

Implement, monitor, and evaluate

Implementing, monitoring, and evaluating your strategic plan breathes life into your hard work —it’s where the rubber meets the road. Implementation turns ideas into action, ensuring progress toward your goals. Monitoring keeps you on track, allowing for adjustments as needed. Evaluation provides crucial feedback, highlighting successes and areas for improvement, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous growth and adaptability.

  • Overview
  • Resourcing the plan
  • Implement your plan
  • Strategic plan communication
  • Monitor and evaluate progress
  • Improve, update, and adapt your plan

  • Content here

Additional Resources

Planning process at WSU

Learn about our missions that guide everything we do at WSU.

Refreshing a strategic plan

Learn about our core beliefs which guide our approach to education.

Get help with your planning process

Learn about our core values which drive us each and every day.