Our goals provide focus and are designed to help us accomplish our mission.
Working toward our goals means we are expanding our impact and helping provide an unparalleled education. Every person in the WSU community plays a part- each day- in helping us reach these goals.
Research, Innovation, and Creativity
Washington State University will be recognized for embracing risk and bold thinking to serve the needs of its communities through innovative research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Student Experience
Washington State University students will engage in scholarship, research, and experiential learning activities to prepare
future leaders, scholars, and global citizens.
Outreach, Extension, Service, & Engagement
Washington State University will be a national leader in advancing quality of life, economic development, sustainability,
and equity through meaningful engagement in discovery, education, and service with partners throughout the state,
nation, and world.
Institutional Effectiveness and Infrastructure
WSU will advance a culture of engagement and collaboration across its multi-campus system that values and invests in
resources—physical, financial, human, and intellectual—leveraging these to become the social and economic drivers for
the community, the state, and the world.